Tri Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushroom (Premium)

Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $120.00.

Buy the best Tri Colour Eciadorian magic mushrooms in Canada

The trip you experience from Ecuadorian shrooms can be an intense one. Theres a reason why they are to this very day used in shamanic ceremonies throughout Ecuador and its surrounding countries. The Ecuadorian is known to produce a very clean, and spiritual trip, without the body high thats associated with many of its sister strains. It is worth noting that many people who use Ecuadorian shrooms report the strongest visuals coming very fast into the high, and then subsiding as the more spiritual and psychological trip moves into the forefront. It is very much an introspective high, and one that can lead a user on a fantastic journey of self-discovery, but as always should be approached with caution. buy Tri Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushroom in canada.